The Italian Effect

How to start recording a podcast – my story

recording a podcast - my story

Listen to the podcast and improve your Italian in 10 minutes


E così sono arrivata a chiudere la prima stagione del podcast. Ho pubblicato 13 episodi, ho avuto 600 ascolti. Se mi immagino quelle 600 volte che le persone hanno ascoltato il mio podcast mi sento veramente emozionata. E sono sicura che è solo l’inizio perché per la seconda stagione ho delle cose pazzesche da condividere. 


A year ago, I wouldn’t have said I was going to create a podcast. I had limiting thoughts in my head as I have nothing interesting to say, who would ever want to hear me, I don’t like my voice, I don’t know how to create a podcast and so on. 


Then, thanks to working with a coach, I learned to think that maybe my podcast could be useful for someone who learns Italian. Perhaps someone is looking for just what I have to say, even if it were only one person. I also struggled with perfectionism. I know the episodes have some imperfections, but I let that feeling go, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to publish even one episode. 


Not only that, but I allowed myself the right to be imperfect after so many years of feeling stuck doing things because they weren’t perfect. I am learning, I am improving along the way, but I have no ambition to reach perfection. The same is with learning languages, letting go of perfectionism is liberating.


free workbook: how to learn italian with podcast

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About me

I’m an Italian language teacher and an author of guides about Puglia where I live. I help you speak Italian confidently through my 1:1 programs and group speaking classes so you can get more from your travels to Italy and feel in Italy like at home. You can live Italian and experience the southern Italy life on my language retreats in Puglia.
