The Italian Effect

One thing you need to change if you you want to unblock your Italian

How to unblock your Italian

I’ve been studying Italian for a long time, I feel like I will never speak it without feeling awkward.


During the lessons with my teacher I speak fluently, but when I talk to natives I feel blocked. 


I’m afraid of being judged by my errors, I prefer not speaking at all. 


My accent will never fit Italian standards. 


I’ve tested many methods, I’ve taken many courses, but nothing really helped me to speak without fears and blocks. I will never learn Italian well enough. 


I’m too old to learn Italian. I’m wasting my time. 


I’m too introverted, I will never speak Italian as well as an extrovert person. 


In all my years as a language teacher, I’ve heard many people say this kind of things. People that feel awkward, inadequate. People that say sorry to me when they are not performing in an excellent way during the lesson. People that can’t liberate themselves from the blocking beliefs about themselves or about language learning. 


Learning a language is not an easy experience, there are quite difficulties in the process itself, so why add additional weight to it in the form of limiting beliefs?


I’ve learned that there are no people incapable of learning a language, only improper mindsets. Good news is that mindsets can be changed, and once the mindset is changed, learning a language becomes easier for everyone (not only for those not only those with a talent for languages). 



Step 1 Recognize your false beliefs


First, find the beliefs that limit you. What do you think about yourself in relation to learning Italian? Write down your thoughts. Maybe you can relate to phrases I wrote in the beginning of the post? Or for example, you feel you don’t have a talent to learn Italian, or you’re too old, or you’re too introverted to speak Italian well. 


Ask yourself: is it a proven fact, or is it only my thought?


For example: Is it true that all people in their 60s can’t learn Italian because they’re too old?


If you can’t state that it’s a universal truth, it’s your belief. It’s your internal perception of yourself or of the world around you.



Step 2 Replace limiting beliefs 


If you feel that your beliefs are not serving you well, choose one at the time and try to transform them into positive ones. Write down a few assumptions that negatively affect you and come up with the same number of the alternatives. 


I’ll give you some examples, but it’s better if you find your own words because it will help you identify yourself with a new belief and make it more convincing to you. 


So replace: I’ve been studying Italian for a long time, I feel like I will never speak it without feeling awkward. 

With: Learning a language takes time, patience and courage. I’m on the right path to learn Italian, no matter how much it takes.


Or: During the lessons with my teacher I speak fluently, but when I talk to natives I feel blocked. 

With: It’s normal that speaking in the lesson is easier than talking to natives in real life situations. Next time I’ll speak Italian with natives, I’ll try to keep calm, breathe deep and have courage to say something in Italian. 


It’s not autosuggestion or a trick but a proven method for changing limiting beliefs. If you want to know more about this, I recommend reading this article.



Step 3 Take your time


I feel like I need to tell you that it doesn’t happen overnight. Changing mindset takes time and effort. It’s like learning a language, isn’t it? There are no tricks, shortcuts or eureka moments. It’s a lifelong experience that takes time and effort, and is rewarding during the process, not only at the finish line. 



I’m convinced that if you feel blocked in your language path, you need to observe your beliefs first. Try to recognize the good and the bad ones and replace them with those which serve you best. You don’t need a new revolutionary course or app, because nothing will give you better results than working on your mindset first. Good luck!




free workbook: how to learn italian with podcast

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About me

I’m an Italian language teacher and an author of guides about Puglia where I live. I help you speak Italian confidently through my 1:1 programs and group speaking classes so you can get more from your travels to Italy and feel in Italy like at home. You can live Italian and experience the southern Italy life on my language retreats in Puglia.
