The Italian Effect

How to make small talk in Italian

How to make small talk in Italian

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Fare lo small talk, ovvero parlare del più e del meno vuol dire parlare di un argomento generale con una persona sconosciuta o che conosciamo poco è un’arte che può piacere o meno, ma che è importante nella vita sociale di ognuno di noi. Vediamo insieme quali sono le situazioni più comuni in cui ci serve lo small talk e quali frasi puoi usare per attaccare bottone.



Making small talk is one of the social skills that you probably need to develop in your lifetime. Starting a conversation, greeting, breaking the ice when the silence becomes embarrassing are abilities that you should know to manage both in your mother tongue and in the language you learn. Making small talk in Italian is basically similar to small talk in English, here are you some expressions:


In the lift: you can talk about weather:


Che caldo! – It’s so hot!

Sembra che pioverà – It will rain!


At work:


Come va? – How are you doing?

Che si dice? – How’s it going?

Tutto bene? – Everything ok?

Come sta andando il progetto? – How’s the project going?

Che fai di bello stasera? – What you up to tonight?

Che mangi oggi? – What are you eating today?


At the party:


Come conosci Mark? – How do you know Mark?

Bello il posto, vero? – Nice place, isn’t it?

Cosa fai nella vita? Di cosa ti occupi? – What do you do for a living?





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About me

I’m an Italian language teacher and an author of guides about Puglia where I live. I help you speak Italian confidently through my 1:1 programs and group speaking classes so you can get more from your travels to Italy and feel in Italy like at home. You can live Italian and experience the southern Italy life on my language retreats in Puglia.
