The Italian Effect

The cult of beauty in Italy

italian summer and the cult of beauty

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Il culto di bellezza è molto vivo nella società italiana. Basta accendere la tv per vedere le donne dai corpi ideali che accompagnano la maggior parte dei programmi televisivi dove l’unico loro ruolo è abbellire la trasmissione. Siamo continuamente bombardati da messaggi ingannevoli che propagandano simboli di bellezza “ideale’. E la prova costume è un ennesimo esempio di questo messaggio.


What prova costume is


Prova costume is a term that indicates all the actions that are taken to prepare the body for the arrival of summer and therefore for the bikini, top and shorts period. This message, as you can imagine, is aimed primarily at women. Tips on how to lose weight quickly, how to get back in shape after winter or how to have the perfect body appear in every magazine, blog or social network as the summer approaches. 


The cult of beauty

The cult of beauty is alive in Italian society. Just turn on the TV to see the women with ideal bodies that accompany most of the television programs, where their only role is to embellish the broadcast.



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About me

I’m an Italian language teacher and an author of guides about Puglia where I live. I help you speak Italian confidently through my 1:1 programs and group speaking classes so you can get more from your travels to Italy and feel in Italy like at home. You can live Italian and experience the southern Italy life on my language retreats in Puglia.
