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L’enoturismo, cioè il turismo che pone al centro dell’attenzione il vino e la sua produzione, è un settore del turismo e del mercato italiano in generale in costante crescita. Per questo i vignaioli non solo producono vino ma offrono ai visitatori delle esperienze intorno ai loro vigneti. Oggi ti racconto cosa si fa durante questo tipo di visita e ti insegno delle parole legate al mondo del vino.
What an Italian enoturismo is
Italy is famous for its wines, so a visit to the cellar is often a staple for those traveling around Italy. In fact, wine tourism, namely tourism that places wine and its production at the center of attention, is a sector of tourism and of the Italian market in general in constant growth.
Visit to the winery
Usually, the visit to the winery starts with the visit to the vineyard. During this visit you can feel the scents, breathe the air of the countryside and hear about the ways of growing vines.
Then, the wine producers tell about the winery and its story. Afterwards, you go to visit the cellar with the wine barrels. Here the techniques of conservation, maturation and bottling of wine are usually explained.
The most enjoyable part of the tour is the tasting. The wineries can offer a simple wine tasting accompanied by small appetizers or a wine tasting with local specialties such as cheeses, salami, olives, or even a lunch or dinner in the vineyards. The last stop is a visit to the shop, where you can buy the bottles you liked the most during the tasting.